Jan/Feb 2010
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Getting that First One
Biederman Breaks Through for First Championship
Burns Heat
Jimmy Burns Chalks up Impressive PWPT Win
Jurek Duty
Bowling's Most Versatile Player Revisits Winner's Circle
The Swing Shift
Jack Jurek Wins 'Versatility Swing' Points Competition
Evolution of an Historic Landmark
Kelly Kulick Chisels a Place in History with TOC Victory
Clutch Cargo
10th Frame Strikes Earn Titles for Lacaze and Nation
The Lighter Side
Reminiscences of Odd and Amusing Occurrences
Viper Championships
Liz Johnson and Rhino Page Snare 'Viper'
Losses and New Beginnings
Farewell to Legends, while Youths Visit Dublin Bowl
Local Boy Makes Good
'San Fran' Native Wins Nearby Nevada Regional Event
Unearthing Pyles
A Few of Jeff Pyles' Record-Setting Performances
Roth Update
A Heartfelt Thank You Letter from Mark and Denise Roth
Pioneer Women
A Salute to Today's Bowling Divas Making an Impact
Return to Glory
Harry Sullins Back in the Spotlight
Danny Wiseman and Dave Arnold Granted Deferments for 2009-2010