North American Bowling News

YBC Masters Seniors Tournament Boasts Huge Field

While the $10,000.00 Turner Duckpin World Classic is going on in Hagerstown, Maryland on May 27th, an event north of the U.S./Canada border will be concurrently underway that will be yielding more entries than either the DPBA's biggest tournament of the year, or even the PBA's U.S. Open can muster. At NEBS Fun World in Oshawa, Ontario, the 2012 (15th Annual) Master Senior fivepin tournament will take to the lanes.

The glorious tournament experience is a special 'scotch-doubles' format in which a whopping 248 team slots have already made reservations to participate, with a 260-team maximum. In this version of the scotch doubles, the Master and Senior players of a team will bowl alternating frames. Practically all of the spots have been pre-filled, with the exception of a mere handful of bowlers yet to corral a partner for the event.

The term "Senior" for this event refers to seniors of the YBC (Youth Bowling of Canada) division of player— bowlers up to the age of 19.

The near 500 bowlers of the Master Senior tournament is a challenge, not just from a bowler's perspective, but also in regards to accommodations. To meet the demand, NEBS Fun World is an ideal host for the grand event. The huge bowling center which features fivepin and tenpin bowling, is comprised of 52 lanes of the fivepin variation.

With such a heralded event comes an air of formality, too, as there is a dress code, under which bowlers must comply. All master bowlers are required to wear a Masters Bowling Association of Ontario golf shirt and black dress pants or black dress shorts. Ladies may wear black dress pants and/or skirts, shorts or "skorts". The MBAO Official Uniform Shirt is optional. YBC Seniors will be required to wear either their 'YBC identified' shirt or a golf shirt with a collar. Black dress pants or shorts are also required of the YBC players for this event.

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